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    Tawasul Italy 2015. Powered by Blogger.
    Friday, 31 July 2015

    The Role of Sufism in Iqbal's Reconstruction of religious thought in Islam

    The Reconstruction of religious thought in Islam is a very complicated philosophical reflection endowed with different levels of interpretation. Due to its programmatic character, some of the points of Iqbal philosophical speculation seem to be obscure because of their density and the reference to both the philosophical and spiritual tradition of Islam and the West.
    However I think that the key to interpret the text is the philosophic one, even when there are several references to Sufism interpreted as a direct experience of a close relation with the divine, which truly speaking appear to be quite problematic in its nature. In the Prefaction Iqbal is critic towards the methods of traditional Sufism because seems to be unable to fulfil the spiritual needs of man living in the modern world: “The more genuine schools of Sufism have, no doubt, done good work in shaping and directing the evolution of religious experience in Islam; but their latter-day representative, owing to their ignorance of the modern mind, have become absolutely incapable of receiving any fresh inspiration from modern thought and experience”. 

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